Our naturally sweet Breakfast in Dubai tea is an herbal inspiration for delectable Dubai flavors- pistachio and dates! It is delicious and aromatic, with notes of naturally sugary sweet dates, ripe juicy raspberry, and a nutty pistachio nut note, as well as mild and soothing barley grain tea as a base. Barley herbal tea is regularly enjoyed by Koreans for its delicious taste and digestive health benefit. Barley tea is known to relieve constipation, as well as a natural antacid that helps to relieve the digestive system of heartburn and acid reflux. Once steeped, Breakfast in Dubai releases a lovely golden pink liquid with an aromatic sweet fruit and pistachio scent. At first sip, you will taste a balanced sweet and tart raspberry note with dates and a pistachio nut finish tart at the end. Enjoy your tea hot, iced, or as a latte with your favourite steamed milk!